The Fools are Those Believing their Masters
Today, April 1st back in 1930 I was in Germany visiting my sister and other friends. I was taking time to rally support for a revolt against the injustices the plutocrats, bankers and especially the Eight Families had inflicted on my cause.

Having enjoyed that evening a short time later I met with another dear supporter of my work, Ludwig Landmann. I remember we discussed the desperate position of the Chancellor, Heinrich BrĂ¼ning, who having entered service to the country had to contend also with the fall out of the crash of '29. Ludwig confided in me that the National Socialists, on the ascendancy throughout the Republic was gathering some egregious support and working with very unpalatable partners in the form of the Zionists.
This shocked me as although I had already deduced and Ludwig, a Jew himself had confirmed, the Zionists were nothing that any true Jewish person would accept as part of their heritage. It was for that reason they had been nicknamed, The Cuckoos. Yet what they looked to be plotting, stirring up conditioning minds to accept, was a radical movement intent on fermenting yet another world war. That a patsy was needed for this, seemed to be found in the vocal leader of the National Socialists. Ludwig cautioned me to watch the progress and manipulation of this whole movement. For his part he would stick around as long as he saw no direct danger to his own position. He was always nothing if not the promoter of the very best of Jewish values in the financial capital of the country, Frankfurt - if not Europe.
Yet with the Eight Family Cabal, who you can read about in Dreams and Realities, as to how they and I fell into confrontation, the tsunami of financial control ever more exerted on the people of the Western world seemed inexorable. Rothschilds were masters of control over the financial dealings of all nations. It was even one of theirs who is quoted as saying something to the tune of:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"
Dear God, this just shows us all how deep and criminal the Hidden Powers manipulate all our lives. No truer statement said when asked who is behind all these things:
"Just follow the money!"
Yet on this Day of Fools it would seem we are continuing to be taken for such by all those Deep State, Hidden Hands and such lackeys of these major cogs, implementing their will. As fools we blind ourselves to the reality of what is being traduced upon us, we close our ears so as not to listen to the deafening cries outing the lies broadcast across a controlled and utterly tainted, non independent media and fully close our mouths in speaking out against these crimes.
As I pop in on the Outsiders, their groups of dissident voice, declarations of an alternative truth, the real one by the way, and my aware global family members who like all truth tellers, struggle to be taken seriously - I at least am comforted that in 2017 there exists a goodly bunch of sane, outspoken persons of integrity who keep the potential for a brighter future alive and well.
That the Killing Fields of Money have perpetrated and harvested such butchery, violation of human existence and rode roughshod over and lassoed so many to believe their propaganda of fear, is giving rise to, considering the devastation my own century inflicted on itself, little betterment in the evolution of the species.
Those Cuckoos seem to be so concretely embedded into all walks of life, their skills at persecuting anyone who dissents the party line as traitors, criminals and anti Semitic revolutionaries have reached new absurd highs. Good God they used the same tactics when I was engaged in my role of secret intelligence gathering way back in the 1890s. There is definitively nothing new under the sun of burning propaganda and horse manure, for sure.
So what is the response to these travesties?
Speak the truth, spread the truth, research deeply for the facts of truth, remain courageous and outspoken even in the face of an onslaught of connectivity seriously trained to demonize, debunk and deny.
There are fools in our very midst, among family and friends, at work and at play. Choosing the moment to throw back a question demanding they seriously consider the propaganda they parrot will make few friends but just might ignite a cog within beginning a process to question more.
Never expect success or change but make every breath, every written word, every action help bring it about.
Never be taken for a fool even today as with every other day of the year! Wisdom and better outcomes are within our grasp!
You will find my story as told in Dreams and Realities a most revealing read and exciting beyond words. Highly recommended reading for any Outsider:
Capt AH Trapman: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man's Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.
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