Inglorious Genocide - The Ongoing British Shame

In the trenches of the Somme, the horrors of Passchendaele, the Spring and Hundred Day Offensives were but a few of the incalculable travesties describing and demarcating the horror that was the First World War. That the British elite were utterly responsible for such carnage is one of the most unreported facts pointing to known genocide of its own and other people.

When I met and discussed with Winston Churchill a decade after this travesty of a war had ended, he confided in me how it was, in the greater scheme of things, all worthwhile. That the traitor Balfour had promised in 1917 a deal with the Rothschilds and their Zionist criminals to make sure Palestine was made over to them at a suitable time in the future was horrendous enough.

Few people realise that all that began at a time a year earlier where England was marked down to lose the war against Germany. My sister, who lived and was close to the Royal household, on account of her marriage to the Kaiser's great friend, often recounted how miserably their (the Kaiser's) British cousins had refused to stop the nonsense that had ignited this inter family war.

So when Rothschild proposed that they alone were able to turn things around and allow the British to gain the winning hand by persuading the Americans to join the fight, the trade for Palestine and the treacherous Balfour Declaration was sealed. It was that all deaths after these events now became blood on the hands of the British alone. It was this that Churchill declared was a price worth paying!

Genocide has been the mark of every Empire. Yet when it comes to numbers the British excel in this dark and foul statistic. Again we come to the great hero of the British again for adding another truly horrifying number of killings to the Empire tally. This was the deaths ordered by Churchill himself in India, when refusing aid to their plight.

During my Army days I spent some time there and found the Indians to be the most wonderful and charming peoples. Yet Churchill saw them as 'vermin', undeserving of support and aid in a time of deep crisis suffered in 1943. He would rather see them expunged than aid those giving their lives for his war effort. A tally of up to three million souls perished in the famine of '43.

It would be but a few years later when the terrorists who stormed the St David's Hotel, forcing their criminal State of Israel into existence, were handed the keys to continue what their benefactors had been doing for centuries, in Palestine. Those that gifted part of their Empire in exchange for the lives of millions, would one day be witness to these bastard students of their evil game, do just that on the indigenous Arabs and Palestinians.

When I was posted into the Balkan Wars at the turn of the century, an embedded war correspondent with the Greeks, I witnessed barbaric acts the Turks committed on their Greek adversaries. That war was a filthy example of support by the British and one in a long line that made me throw in my commission and begin to use my pen as sword against the horrors, not only of war but injustice and criminal genocide the British excelled in.

Back when the North American lands were invaded by the British crown and other European states, prior to the efforts of independence and my forebear's winning gift, the gradual genocide of the rightful inhabitants had begun. The disdain the invaders had for those whose lands it was, became no different to any of their actions they committed and sanctioned in other parts of empire.

The Crown, its fellow cohorts, bankers, church and elite would grow, cover and celebrsate a dark veil over the earth during its centuries of ascendancy and dominion.

My research leading on from the original intention to reclaim millions owed through my forebear's now installed gift as debt has discovered the darkest side of humanity breeding in festering evil incubators fed on genocide, extermination and the pursuit of total control by this force.

From my present lofty view of all things present day I see the British have continued their partnership in genocide exporting its blood stained heritage through Bolshevik times, I witnessed,  to their very own genocide of the people of Dresden and that ghastly 'Bomber' Harris with his firebombing plannig to wipe the German race off the map.

So in 2017, the centenary of that fateful contract Balfour signed we have the British as main contractors supplying their Saudi 'proxy armies' with the devastating means to wipe out the Yemeni people from the face of the Middle East. One has to ask the question:

"When is enough blood and lives spent before humanity awakens from its costly slumber of closed ears and eyes?"

I fear, as much as I spent all my well honed skills and energies of research in uncovering unpalatable truths way back, we shall continue to witness this inhumanity man inflicts on his fellows in pursuit of arrogant, selfish and psychopathic ends.

The cancer of killing can only be stopped when enough of us decide to no longer buy into the supremacy and endgame that presently reigns.

It is well past time Empire falls yet the task demands action from one and all.

Will it be by our own wise hand or left to divine intervention by Nature herself?
Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man's Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.


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