Yada! Yada! Yoga!
Yoga here, Yoga there, Yoga, Yoga, everywhere.....
And we all just love it, don't we?
Of course... but then somethings can get terribly lost in the 'IT'ness of things.
What do I mean?
Fads, trends and celebrity endorsements lead to a lost path of following the Bah Bahs.
Equally it can lead to enlightenment, however what is so important is to be able to discriminate between the blah, the fuzzy and the stark truth.
We are inundated in an age of information, indoctrination and mind control. Subtle, sordid, overt, covert, sensual, seductive, manipulative, specious and speculative. Most chose to go along, with whatever pap they are told by the 'usual sources'. Others believe what their friends and colleagues believe and continue the "pack" theory, alternative or not.
The ones to really 'sus' what is reality are those developing a sharp and incisive 'critical thinking'' process. One built on questioning everything and believing nothing until it sits well in a place of well constructed facts and critical thought through.
Not many people address this side of life yet it is the core of the yogic life. It was the Buddha himself who is attributed the quote:
The comfort zone of those who agree and think like me is a very potent siren call, yet how much bull can be eaten and drunk just because your best friend said it.
The media today is pretty much universally agreed by those who study these things, to be the puppy of the regime. The outlet for the elite belief system to be aired. The propagation of mind control of the masses into submissive acceptance of the unacceptable.
In the USA the major channels and news media are owned and bought by the corporate dogs. Little or no independent airing from these pits of pap. The BBC, an austere and for so long well respected organ of balance in reporting has been ceremoniously swallowed by the hegemony of psychopathic controllers, as have the Italian media and many others who are mere striplings of the Murdoch empire, Gates Foundation and other major cartels of corruption. it seems the 'old ogre' of the cold war own media outlet Russia Today is one of the very few truthful reporters of what really is going down in our name and under our nose.
Yet as much as there is a plethora of misinformation dressed up as truth, venal lies displayed as evidence of such truths, irrealities dressed as absolute fact, it ultimately is down to you and me to correct these travesties if we are to develop, move forward and evolve. To do so from the inside.
Thus the whole caboodle is an "inside job"! As such it needs to be attended to in an appropriate manner and leaving the knee jerk and home spun myths on the compost of yesterday......
As Yoga people how is this approached?
Discrimination (Viveka) is a quality we are encouraged to develop in yoga. Truth (Satya) is also one of the Yamas we are encouraged to practice. Yet truth is pretty much subjective and thus my truth may not necessarily be your truth. Upon such niceties wars have been fought, won and lost. Yet facts are just that - facts. They are bald or created as bald faced lies or just known as facts.
Within the media their truth is spread like wildfire in the wolf's clothing of fact and we sheep believe so much of it - and if not believe refrain from challenging such preposterous bull. We hide behind the assumption we are too small and insignificant. A well played card from they who wish us to feel so diminished.
So much recently has been put out as truth yet quickly been proven to be propaganda and downright mendacious. Yet without discrimination we are carried on the tide of believing what we are fed.
How can change really take place unless such travesties are questioned, promoted as lies, falsehoods, rejected and exposed? Until we do this on a daily basis very little changes and the core corruption hardens into the norm.
How, you might ask, does this sit with Ahisma, the non injury we are also supposed to cultivate on our yoga path?
Gandhi for one was able to illustrate through his life how to deal with these charlatans of ThoughtSpeke. All great thinkers, spiritual leaders and epitomes of the 'rightful way' have been the 'terrorists' of their generations. Facing full on the monster that usurps the power of others. They also taught how to take that power back and own it live it and share it. No religion, bent on controlling this message to their own ends deserves a thought or cow tow from any of us. Yet while so many do, their reign of control and fear will always stay in place.
Therein lies some of the potency of the yogic life. The most powerful of all the tools available are Action and Example . We need to shift our position creating, Actionasana and less Chit Chat Ananda
Growing out of the "what can little me do" personality into the "I can" individual, is a major step forward and the best action to initiate.
Many on the yoga path say things like.
"The media? I don't buy newspapers or watch TV so I do not get involved in these lies and conceits."
Yet if you cut yourself off from what is being created in your name. If you have no idea what on earth is being subjected onto a life you are part of then how the heck are you aware of the problems those less aware than you are under?
La La Land may feel like paradise and a righteous place to hang out in, yet just like the Land of Oz it's a mirage, a dream. The reality is within you and I and we need to make it so.....
By ignoring what is going on in one corner of life, especially when that corner may be a cornerstone, it becomes very much a living in denial.
Look at it this way, when practicing Asteya (non stealing/cheating) why not highlight the cheating, stealing ways the corporate/rulers are using to subjugate those under them. How the disempowerment and denial of the right to be open, free, expressive is squeezed and obliterated.
Use Brahmacharya (restraint/moderation) to NOT use the same tactics as the transgressors use. Learn to be clear, concise, informed and not get coaxed into anger or over passionate reaction (as opposed to response).
Remember to live Aparigraha (non coveting/envy) consciously. That does mean not being jealous of other's fortune or lot. Not secretly loathing another's place, reward or luck (whatever that may be!) There may be great disparities in wealth. It is useless to feel jealous of such conditions, yet it is oh, so meaningful to expose the illegal and harmful ways any such wealth may have been accumulated. Wealth itself is neither ugly nor evil. It just is....wealth. How it came to those that steward it IS the question and focus. At the same token celebrate such wealth when it has been earned rightfully. Wealth in any description goes way beyond financial in all cases.
Bringing the Niyamas to bear on cleaning up your class act, means walking your talk in Saucha (purity). Making sure everything you do, think, say, act upon is coming from the best you are, think and feel.
When we see misery, suffering, depression and negativity do not take any of that personally. Be detached in that way, yet empathic to the reality of others situation. The world is a very beautiful place, made hell by our individual and collective thoughts and acceptances. See the diamond at the bottom of the cesspit of filth and do your darndest to clear and clean that pool. Maintain Santosh (contentment) in the knowledge that all is very well and make it so where you perceive otherwise. Two blind people are going to find the path real difficult against one blind person being led along it by a fully sighted companion. Your sight and insight can become another person's candle.
The art of Tapas (discipline) is nothing to do with denial or austerity. It has everything to do with keeping a rein check on one's emotional, physical and mental body. Catching the negative thought before it really kills. Checking over indulgence in anything is not putting overweight on any situation or person including oneself. Living in balance as much as one is able. This sort of self discipline builds a strong core, able to face up and challenge the travesties enacted in our governing and corporate bodies we elect.
The most important and over riding quality to set all these other parts in full running order is Svadyaya (study of the self). Heck, unless we get to know who we are, then all we are doing is adjusting the deck chairs on our Titanic, unnavigable vessel in life.
Change can only be initiated and propelled from within. Begin on the inside and the outside will reflect all that progress.
Of course what is perceived outside, around us, the good bad and indifferent, is merely the construct of each and every one of our own perceptions, thoughts, beliefs and conditioning perpetuated and continually propagated. I cannot change yours, you cannot change mine. What I can do is address, question in the strongest possible terms the legitimacy of my own processes and demand and make changes to align with where I really want to be and the world I truly want to be part of.
Going to a yoga class, wearing the fancy robes, chuckling the chakras, nobbling the nadis and breathing the bandhas into submission is worthless if we do not make changes that eject ourselves from our comfort zone within which we have always outstayed our welcome. Taking up the challenge to question the handed down wisdom of the psychopaths as much as the reformists and seriously asking the question - Who am I? - and wanting an answer.
To help create an open forum on exposing what passes as the inevitable, the bridge too far to even attempt to cross. Ultimately to prize open a chink in the doorway to freedom and allow that light to expose a glimpse of what is potential, what is lying in the realms of the impossible just waiting to be born into the possible.
Impossible = I AM POSSIBLE.....!
So less talk.....more walk..... Yada! Yada! .... Go!
And we all just love it, don't we?
Of course... but then somethings can get terribly lost in the 'IT'ness of things.
What do I mean?
Fads, trends and celebrity endorsements lead to a lost path of following the Bah Bahs.

We are inundated in an age of information, indoctrination and mind control. Subtle, sordid, overt, covert, sensual, seductive, manipulative, specious and speculative. Most chose to go along, with whatever pap they are told by the 'usual sources'. Others believe what their friends and colleagues believe and continue the "pack" theory, alternative or not.
The ones to really 'sus' what is reality are those developing a sharp and incisive 'critical thinking'' process. One built on questioning everything and believing nothing until it sits well in a place of well constructed facts and critical thought through.
Not many people address this side of life yet it is the core of the yogic life. It was the Buddha himself who is attributed the quote:
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it,
no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees
with your own reason and your own common sense."
no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees
with your own reason and your own common sense."
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The Usual Suspects |

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Some vestige of open reporting |
Yet as much as there is a plethora of misinformation dressed up as truth, venal lies displayed as evidence of such truths, irrealities dressed as absolute fact, it ultimately is down to you and me to correct these travesties if we are to develop, move forward and evolve. To do so from the inside.
Thus the whole caboodle is an "inside job"! As such it needs to be attended to in an appropriate manner and leaving the knee jerk and home spun myths on the compost of yesterday......
As Yoga people how is this approached?
Discrimination (Viveka) is a quality we are encouraged to develop in yoga. Truth (Satya) is also one of the Yamas we are encouraged to practice. Yet truth is pretty much subjective and thus my truth may not necessarily be your truth. Upon such niceties wars have been fought, won and lost. Yet facts are just that - facts. They are bald or created as bald faced lies or just known as facts.
Within the media their truth is spread like wildfire in the wolf's clothing of fact and we sheep believe so much of it - and if not believe refrain from challenging such preposterous bull. We hide behind the assumption we are too small and insignificant. A well played card from they who wish us to feel so diminished.
So much recently has been put out as truth yet quickly been proven to be propaganda and downright mendacious. Yet without discrimination we are carried on the tide of believing what we are fed.
How can change really take place unless such travesties are questioned, promoted as lies, falsehoods, rejected and exposed? Until we do this on a daily basis very little changes and the core corruption hardens into the norm.
How, you might ask, does this sit with Ahisma, the non injury we are also supposed to cultivate on our yoga path?
Gandhi for one was able to illustrate through his life how to deal with these charlatans of ThoughtSpeke. All great thinkers, spiritual leaders and epitomes of the 'rightful way' have been the 'terrorists' of their generations. Facing full on the monster that usurps the power of others. They also taught how to take that power back and own it live it and share it. No religion, bent on controlling this message to their own ends deserves a thought or cow tow from any of us. Yet while so many do, their reign of control and fear will always stay in place.
Therein lies some of the potency of the yogic life. The most powerful of all the tools available are Action and Example . We need to shift our position creating, Actionasana and less Chit Chat Ananda
Growing out of the "what can little me do" personality into the "I can" individual, is a major step forward and the best action to initiate.
Many on the yoga path say things like.
"The media? I don't buy newspapers or watch TV so I do not get involved in these lies and conceits."
Yet if you cut yourself off from what is being created in your name. If you have no idea what on earth is being subjected onto a life you are part of then how the heck are you aware of the problems those less aware than you are under?
La La Land may feel like paradise and a righteous place to hang out in, yet just like the Land of Oz it's a mirage, a dream. The reality is within you and I and we need to make it so.....
By ignoring what is going on in one corner of life, especially when that corner may be a cornerstone, it becomes very much a living in denial.
Look at it this way, when practicing Asteya (non stealing/cheating) why not highlight the cheating, stealing ways the corporate/rulers are using to subjugate those under them. How the disempowerment and denial of the right to be open, free, expressive is squeezed and obliterated.
Use Brahmacharya (restraint/moderation) to NOT use the same tactics as the transgressors use. Learn to be clear, concise, informed and not get coaxed into anger or over passionate reaction (as opposed to response).
Remember to live Aparigraha (non coveting/envy) consciously. That does mean not being jealous of other's fortune or lot. Not secretly loathing another's place, reward or luck (whatever that may be!) There may be great disparities in wealth. It is useless to feel jealous of such conditions, yet it is oh, so meaningful to expose the illegal and harmful ways any such wealth may have been accumulated. Wealth itself is neither ugly nor evil. It just is....wealth. How it came to those that steward it IS the question and focus. At the same token celebrate such wealth when it has been earned rightfully. Wealth in any description goes way beyond financial in all cases.
Bringing the Niyamas to bear on cleaning up your class act, means walking your talk in Saucha (purity). Making sure everything you do, think, say, act upon is coming from the best you are, think and feel.
When we see misery, suffering, depression and negativity do not take any of that personally. Be detached in that way, yet empathic to the reality of others situation. The world is a very beautiful place, made hell by our individual and collective thoughts and acceptances. See the diamond at the bottom of the cesspit of filth and do your darndest to clear and clean that pool. Maintain Santosh (contentment) in the knowledge that all is very well and make it so where you perceive otherwise. Two blind people are going to find the path real difficult against one blind person being led along it by a fully sighted companion. Your sight and insight can become another person's candle.
The art of Tapas (discipline) is nothing to do with denial or austerity. It has everything to do with keeping a rein check on one's emotional, physical and mental body. Catching the negative thought before it really kills. Checking over indulgence in anything is not putting overweight on any situation or person including oneself. Living in balance as much as one is able. This sort of self discipline builds a strong core, able to face up and challenge the travesties enacted in our governing and corporate bodies we elect.
The most important and over riding quality to set all these other parts in full running order is Svadyaya (study of the self). Heck, unless we get to know who we are, then all we are doing is adjusting the deck chairs on our Titanic, unnavigable vessel in life.
Change can only be initiated and propelled from within. Begin on the inside and the outside will reflect all that progress.
Of course what is perceived outside, around us, the good bad and indifferent, is merely the construct of each and every one of our own perceptions, thoughts, beliefs and conditioning perpetuated and continually propagated. I cannot change yours, you cannot change mine. What I can do is address, question in the strongest possible terms the legitimacy of my own processes and demand and make changes to align with where I really want to be and the world I truly want to be part of.
Going to a yoga class, wearing the fancy robes, chuckling the chakras, nobbling the nadis and breathing the bandhas into submission is worthless if we do not make changes that eject ourselves from our comfort zone within which we have always outstayed our welcome. Taking up the challenge to question the handed down wisdom of the psychopaths as much as the reformists and seriously asking the question - Who am I? - and wanting an answer.

Impossible = I AM POSSIBLE.....!
So less talk.....more walk..... Yada! Yada! .... Go!
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