What you want does not always come true
Have you ever wished upon a star and then that star produce a wish you never thought of making?

This is the tale of a wish that did not come true in the way was wanted. But then we never are really the best judge of what we want, are we?
Some years back a party of pilgrims including the author set out to spend the Christmas and New Year seeking spiritual succour down Egypt's way. Precisely we were set on visiting Giza, Saqquara and Luxor.
Having first arrived in Cairo we set forth to visit the monoliths that are the Great Pyramid, Chephren and its little brother Mycerinus. Each an example and mystery of another age a prehistory lost in unimaginable ambiguous tales past down through ages. Yet behind all these is a mystery that is magical, marvellous and majestic.
Our mission as we thought was to arrange for our eight members to be allowed to meditate on the solstice, 21st December in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. We had planned this and the ceremony we wished to do. So making tracks to the Head of Archeology at Giza we were not prepared for the bureaucracy of Egyptian antiquaries. A mass of waiting, imploring and resignation saw our plans come to nothing. Our wishes were looking as ruined as some of the antiquities around us. We repaired that evening to our hotel in some disappointment.It looked surprisingly as if we would only be allowed access to Chephren's Pyramid and only after 4 pm when the tourists had left. We felt we had missed the special solstice.
Deciding to ring our friend and group astrologer in London to find out precisely when the solstice was to take place, we were astonished to find out that the precise time of solstice would be the next day at 4.30 pm. We had been granted an hour between 4-5pm. Well things were looking up and maybe we had not cut ourselves from this auspicious day.
We travelled over to Giza the next morning to meet with the Head of Antiquity himself and after a short wait took the regulation tea with him. He then threw down the bombshell. He was so sorry the Great Pyramid was closed off to the public due to renovation - I thought to myself they have had several thousand years for that have they not! - and due to these renovations we would be able to be locked into the Great Pyramid that morning for as long as we wanted and then as compensation for any inconvenience we would be able to go to the ancient square Pyramid at Saqquara, where his second in command would personally take us down in to the stepped pyramid which had always been closed to public eyes and feet.
It was with the significant placement of our party in Chephren at the right time and place we then knew a higher power was in control and sweetly altering our own ego led wants and needs.
The meditation in the Kings Chamber was literally out of this world. We each in turn reconstructed the ancient 7 veil transitional journey of initiation every initiate into the higher priesthood undertook in ancient times.This involved lying in the sarcophagus whilst the others chanted and ritually built a bridge across the 7 temptations, to allow the initiate to face their worst and deepest fears. Had any of the seven been too strong to resist or ignore the life line would have cut and death followed. We mercifully had all done this before in those long off days and with the pillar of a strong spiritual constitution, we survived.
The details of this day will always be one of the greatest moments in this life for me and as a sort of blessing, on exiting the Pyramid I walked around its exterior smaller than its other partners in the sands and admired its origins. I also was presented with an image that the professional in me could not ignore.
This was then where the Sword of Truth was born. With at exactly at midday the sun directly above the pyramid, without any help from filters or SFX a 13 pointed mandala of light around the sun thrust a sword of light directly into the pyramid. Chephren's pyramid is considered to represent the feminine principle and if we then recognise the sun as representative of the masculine principle, the sword of light is that which represents the engendering of truth through the balance of the two opposites. Surrounded by the light and dark, the manifest symbols of duality.
This profoundly moving image becomes a powerful meditation mandala and yantra (an object to look at increasing the meditation and insight) and has since been used by many to such ends.
For our small group this defining day that covered millennia became the beginning of a spiritual journey that led to many years of gradual revelation continuing to this day. These lands as with all ancient and sacred places hold perennial messages and guidance, revealed as we let go, let flow and comprehend a greater guidance leading us through the greatest mystery of all - Life.
A copy of this image as a poster can be found here

This is the tale of a wish that did not come true in the way was wanted. But then we never are really the best judge of what we want, are we?
Some years back a party of pilgrims including the author set out to spend the Christmas and New Year seeking spiritual succour down Egypt's way. Precisely we were set on visiting Giza, Saqquara and Luxor.
Having first arrived in Cairo we set forth to visit the monoliths that are the Great Pyramid, Chephren and its little brother Mycerinus. Each an example and mystery of another age a prehistory lost in unimaginable ambiguous tales past down through ages. Yet behind all these is a mystery that is magical, marvellous and majestic.
Our mission as we thought was to arrange for our eight members to be allowed to meditate on the solstice, 21st December in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. We had planned this and the ceremony we wished to do. So making tracks to the Head of Archeology at Giza we were not prepared for the bureaucracy of Egyptian antiquaries. A mass of waiting, imploring and resignation saw our plans come to nothing. Our wishes were looking as ruined as some of the antiquities around us. We repaired that evening to our hotel in some disappointment.It looked surprisingly as if we would only be allowed access to Chephren's Pyramid and only after 4 pm when the tourists had left. We felt we had missed the special solstice.
Deciding to ring our friend and group astrologer in London to find out precisely when the solstice was to take place, we were astonished to find out that the precise time of solstice would be the next day at 4.30 pm. We had been granted an hour between 4-5pm. Well things were looking up and maybe we had not cut ourselves from this auspicious day.
We travelled over to Giza the next morning to meet with the Head of Antiquity himself and after a short wait took the regulation tea with him. He then threw down the bombshell. He was so sorry the Great Pyramid was closed off to the public due to renovation - I thought to myself they have had several thousand years for that have they not! - and due to these renovations we would be able to be locked into the Great Pyramid that morning for as long as we wanted and then as compensation for any inconvenience we would be able to go to the ancient square Pyramid at Saqquara, where his second in command would personally take us down in to the stepped pyramid which had always been closed to public eyes and feet.
It was with the significant placement of our party in Chephren at the right time and place we then knew a higher power was in control and sweetly altering our own ego led wants and needs.
The meditation in the Kings Chamber was literally out of this world. We each in turn reconstructed the ancient 7 veil transitional journey of initiation every initiate into the higher priesthood undertook in ancient times.This involved lying in the sarcophagus whilst the others chanted and ritually built a bridge across the 7 temptations, to allow the initiate to face their worst and deepest fears. Had any of the seven been too strong to resist or ignore the life line would have cut and death followed. We mercifully had all done this before in those long off days and with the pillar of a strong spiritual constitution, we survived.

This was then where the Sword of Truth was born. With at exactly at midday the sun directly above the pyramid, without any help from filters or SFX a 13 pointed mandala of light around the sun thrust a sword of light directly into the pyramid. Chephren's pyramid is considered to represent the feminine principle and if we then recognise the sun as representative of the masculine principle, the sword of light is that which represents the engendering of truth through the balance of the two opposites. Surrounded by the light and dark, the manifest symbols of duality.
This profoundly moving image becomes a powerful meditation mandala and yantra (an object to look at increasing the meditation and insight) and has since been used by many to such ends.
For our small group this defining day that covered millennia became the beginning of a spiritual journey that led to many years of gradual revelation continuing to this day. These lands as with all ancient and sacred places hold perennial messages and guidance, revealed as we let go, let flow and comprehend a greater guidance leading us through the greatest mystery of all - Life.
A copy of this image as a poster can be found here
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