Living Transparently
We often talk about demanding the truth.
There are lies, damn lies and politics, so the adage goes. However it is often within the confines of politics that the truth can be hard to figure out. Where there is an unhealthy imbalance of self interest against the interest of the whole, then truth is one of the early casualties.
When it comes to coming clean, being open and transparent can often be difficult to secure. We all have our little secrets and those 'family secrets' are often the elephant in the room.
Yet Satya, the second Yama, truthfulness and one of the pillars of right being, is such an integral part of yogic living that we are astonished when we see so much of it laying shattered on the ground in front of us.
Self preservation is often an explanation for a little white lie. The degree of whiteness is also proffered as acceptable damage limitation. Yet when a small hole in the dam is secured, it is not long before the forces and pressure built up behind it, create a far more dangerous leak ultimately leading to a mortal flooding.
So, ought we to be aware of how we define the truth within our scope? I believe it is essential that we do. For as we are, so the world reflects. Many an ant sized lie builds into a mountain of deceit, even though the intention was never that grand.
Around us we see a load of half truths, specious ways and downright untruths held up to maintain a status quo. The truth becomes the true revolutionary, the fearsome exposure of sham. It is this that pressures those that live outside of truth, to rail against its power.
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.
John F. Kennedy
To live transparently, we are better off living our truth, speaking the truth and receiving the truth from others when floundering in our own unknowing.
Yet is truth universal?
Luckily no. If it were it would become a boundary to inquiry, an impediment to progress and a stumbling block on an already rocky road. Yet that must not discount universal truths, which are quite different.
Universal truths accepted by all are for instance that night follows day, red is not black and men are anatomically different to women taking but three examples. Truth that is universal must by its nature demand all to agree to the same thing, thus recreating Babel.
Yet truth is ultimately a personal thing and cannot by its nature be anyone else's truth. Just as my perspective grants me a unique view of something, so another perspective grants an equally true view for someone else. Both of us describe what we see as true, yet it is different by dint of perspective.
So if we are to live transparently, do we need to tell the truth? I would strongly suggest that demands an affirmative response - otherwise anything else requires the manufacture of coverage no matter how thin. When this happens then transparency is lost.
To be open, we need to feel strong, have a healthy self belief and to be unafraid of any other opinion and perception. We ultimately have nothing to hide. We can be read clearly and without hindrance.
Clarity of thought, speech and direction are also necessary qualities nurturing transparency. Where energy is blocked, it causes resistance and resistance demands either an immediate clearing or a workaround, when that happens cover ups flourish. Disease is not far behind. Flow is staunched.
What have these things got to do with living transparently?
In as much as they all explain the need for free flow, clear paths, physical mental and spiritual acuity. They also help the development of vulnerability, humility and the acknowledgment of our fallibility. When we have mastered how to live and develop these, we have mastered the way to live as a warrior in truth, an exemplar of humanness and how to truly live transparently and in joy.
That really is the fun and frolic of life.
There are lies, damn lies and politics, so the adage goes. However it is often within the confines of politics that the truth can be hard to figure out. Where there is an unhealthy imbalance of self interest against the interest of the whole, then truth is one of the early casualties.

Yet Satya, the second Yama, truthfulness and one of the pillars of right being, is such an integral part of yogic living that we are astonished when we see so much of it laying shattered on the ground in front of us.
Self preservation is often an explanation for a little white lie. The degree of whiteness is also proffered as acceptable damage limitation. Yet when a small hole in the dam is secured, it is not long before the forces and pressure built up behind it, create a far more dangerous leak ultimately leading to a mortal flooding.
So, ought we to be aware of how we define the truth within our scope? I believe it is essential that we do. For as we are, so the world reflects. Many an ant sized lie builds into a mountain of deceit, even though the intention was never that grand.
Around us we see a load of half truths, specious ways and downright untruths held up to maintain a status quo. The truth becomes the true revolutionary, the fearsome exposure of sham. It is this that pressures those that live outside of truth, to rail against its power.
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.
John F. Kennedy
To live transparently, we are better off living our truth, speaking the truth and receiving the truth from others when floundering in our own unknowing.
Yet is truth universal?
Luckily no. If it were it would become a boundary to inquiry, an impediment to progress and a stumbling block on an already rocky road. Yet that must not discount universal truths, which are quite different.
Universal truths accepted by all are for instance that night follows day, red is not black and men are anatomically different to women taking but three examples. Truth that is universal must by its nature demand all to agree to the same thing, thus recreating Babel.
Yet truth is ultimately a personal thing and cannot by its nature be anyone else's truth. Just as my perspective grants me a unique view of something, so another perspective grants an equally true view for someone else. Both of us describe what we see as true, yet it is different by dint of perspective.
So if we are to live transparently, do we need to tell the truth? I would strongly suggest that demands an affirmative response - otherwise anything else requires the manufacture of coverage no matter how thin. When this happens then transparency is lost.
To be open, we need to feel strong, have a healthy self belief and to be unafraid of any other opinion and perception. We ultimately have nothing to hide. We can be read clearly and without hindrance.
Clarity of thought, speech and direction are also necessary qualities nurturing transparency. Where energy is blocked, it causes resistance and resistance demands either an immediate clearing or a workaround, when that happens cover ups flourish. Disease is not far behind. Flow is staunched.
What have these things got to do with living transparently?
In as much as they all explain the need for free flow, clear paths, physical mental and spiritual acuity. They also help the development of vulnerability, humility and the acknowledgment of our fallibility. When we have mastered how to live and develop these, we have mastered the way to live as a warrior in truth, an exemplar of humanness and how to truly live transparently and in joy.
That really is the fun and frolic of life.
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