Online Yoga Teacher Training

Is it really possible to learn to become a yoga teacher by subscribing to an online course?

What are the advantages of such courses and how do they compare to face to face scenarios?

Well of course there is a difference between face to face and online and no-one would ever argue that personal tuition is not a great thing. However not everyone is so lucky to a) find a good teacher and b) to have them where it is convenient to attend.

Now this is where an online course wins. Both the teacher can be the highest quality and the accessibility is brilliant.

Video, audio and other means of transmitting the course make an online course very  easy to digest, understand and partake in.

Of course the student needs to be proficient in their application of the course and the written work will give the teacher a good idea of how that student has digested and learned the fundamentals and in depth reference books and literature.

Many of these courses if not most do 200 hours and 500 hour courses. This will enable the student to immerse in a good term of yoga practice and theory.

Would I recommend a course for online yoga teacher training? Yes I would.

It is Paul Gerrard's excellent course that he has been training yoga teachers in for many years. Himself an excellent teacher and facilitator, his mastery of web based teaching issecond to none.

I recommend you look it up and try it. You will be in good hands....


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