Hot Yoga - Save on a Sauna
Now Bikram Choudhury is the founder of Bikram Yoga. He came up with a set series of postures done in an extremely hot room.
His brand of yoga became so popular that he decided to copyright it. Because of the copyright, anyone teaching yoga called "Bikram" would have to give him a percentage of their profits.
This, my friends, is Yoga gone mad and gone West...
I know Choudhury is Indian but frankly the sort of Indian they export(or is that deport?)
For those who maybe think that Yoga is a new fad and only a few years old let me just say that it was around before the pyramids were built, so copyrighting his sort of yoga sequences is like trying to copyright the wheel.
It's the arrogance of the man that gets me...What he was alleged to say when they asked why he did it was - when in the West "You can F**k those that try and do what you do, with lawyers". So Yogic don't you think?
It gives us Gurus a bad name, really and I am not one to claim anything my own - in fact I can proudly state that everything I impart is someone else's and I am just so excited to share it.
So good on those guys that took the Bikram Yoga, turned it into Hot Yoga and stuffed Bikram with his own petard.
Yoga is too big for an individual to claim it as their own.
If you love to sweat and get that Indian heat into your practice, either go Hot Yoga or down the sauna for a quiet practice and and some healthy flaggelation with the birch twigs.
Oh, divine Oneness save us from the ego of those that profess knowledge and wisdom. May their power bills find them out
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His brand of yoga became so popular that he decided to copyright it. Because of the copyright, anyone teaching yoga called "Bikram" would have to give him a percentage of their profits.
This, my friends, is Yoga gone mad and gone West...
I know Choudhury is Indian but frankly the sort of Indian they export(or is that deport?)
For those who maybe think that Yoga is a new fad and only a few years old let me just say that it was around before the pyramids were built, so copyrighting his sort of yoga sequences is like trying to copyright the wheel.
It's the arrogance of the man that gets me...What he was alleged to say when they asked why he did it was - when in the West "You can F**k those that try and do what you do, with lawyers". So Yogic don't you think?
It gives us Gurus a bad name, really and I am not one to claim anything my own - in fact I can proudly state that everything I impart is someone else's and I am just so excited to share it.
So good on those guys that took the Bikram Yoga, turned it into Hot Yoga and stuffed Bikram with his own petard.
Yoga is too big for an individual to claim it as their own.
If you love to sweat and get that Indian heat into your practice, either go Hot Yoga or down the sauna for a quiet practice and and some healthy flaggelation with the birch twigs.
Oh, divine Oneness save us from the ego of those that profess knowledge and wisdom. May their power bills find them out
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