Awareness in Speech - Asking for what you Get

Lots of talk about Awareness.

Awareness campaigns when someone gets abused, animals get mistreated, Terrorists destroy lives, people end up doing nasty things to each other.

"Never again" they grandly pronounce. Awareness focus groups and other feeble attempts at stopping bad things never happening again go on a rampage of soul searching and hand wringing.

Yet very little thought whatsoever goes into why they are happening in the first place.

You may think it is just general dissatisfaction taken to extreme, you may want to blame the perpetrators, their groups, cultures or whatever. It's in the genes...and other such trite expediences.

All of this may have a small part in the whole but there is a much larger area that demands investigation.

It is
language. Behind the language, the thoughts but the expression of those thoughts are in our spoken language.

Self consciousness is the sibling of self awareness and much in spiritual circles is given to self consciousness.

Where therefore is the practice of Sound Conscious Language™?

Our prejudices, anger, hate, resentment and every other negative emotion is tied up in the way we express ourselves, what is happening to us and around us.

We are constantly creating a sea of dark energy and broadcasting it far and wide. We give little thought to how our expressed self impacts the whole, not just the situation at hand.

Is it not bad enough to have the fastest traveling entity in the cosmos seeding these emotions. Thought that is. To then compound it with language that hardens that energetic missile, you can easily see how the hatred, intolerance, suffering, anxiety, stress and all the rest are manifesting every nanosecond and creating this helllish environment.

It may seem slim comfort to lock oneself in the meditation room and broadcast love and peace, but if the moment you step out of there and react to the bile of another who is intricately wrapped up in the theater of their own emotional pain, all that went before has crumbled.

Next time you hear yourself say "I hate going to work", "I get pissed when she does that", "That idiot drove me off the road", "They deserve to suffer for what they did", " People are so poor today", "I'm starving...","The economy is in meltdown", "I never have enough to do what I want", "I'd kill him for that" and a million other expressions of less, lack and violence.

In themselves they may seem to be 'just expressions' but the expressions are energetic creations that must find a home. A drop of water is no flood but a billion drops a second is certainly getting on to tsunami proportions.

The same and more with our speech. Look no further to our world in chaos and stop using your part of that world in your expression, your language.

When the words stop the thoughts are unexpressed. They become starved of the oxygen of publicity and gradually suffocate.

We are giants in the form of creators. Let us responsibly create that which we desire for all.

One word at a time. One sentence, one phrase, one saying, one conversation describing the good there is. One day of sharpened scrutiny of our tongue and things will shine like never before.


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