Lose weight - Stop smoking? Change Your Mind
How many times have we heard that, eh?
Yet how many times have we really understood what that really means.
We all have attempted to break an addiction at some time in our lives. For many of us, that may have been one time too many for our liking. Yet the simple fact is that unless we change our minds - and more specifically our mindset - nothing will change.
There are hundreds of diets, exercise plans, yoga retreats, spa treatments - you name it - they cater for it. The trainers and teachers are great . They know their stuff and their material is well researched. The results are seen to work, but temporarily. Why is that?
Because we have addressed the surface cause not the foundational thought pattern and habitual reactions. Our ingrained attitudes and handed down perceptions have everything to do with why of waist lines and are are the real causes.
Self awareness is at root of it all. Hollywood diet plans, no matter how famous the promoter, will go nowhere. Yogic understanding and practices are essential and a great training ground. They deal with the condition and health of the mind. Meditation addresses it, loosening from the bondage of circular thought patterns gradually releases us.
Primarily by allowing us to witness our own inner chaos, so that we can then choose positively to break these habits. If you are not too shocked or affected by these revelations then you are on the way to really address the causes.
The practice of yoga therapy, helps us realize our needs. We begin to develop greater self-confidence with our increasing awareness. We start becoming aware of what we need to eat, what exercise is good for us and how we should lead our lives.
We instinctively know what is best for us. The trouble is we let habit patterns override this wisdom.
These habit pattens, do not kid yourself, are strong and eager not to give up without a good fight. Heck, we have spent years cultivating their friendship. Like avarice, they will not want to be let go easily.
The answer is - to starve them. Refuse to give these habits the lifeblood of their food - that of your attention and focus. The more you let them alone, the weaker they become. Focus and think of everything that is the opposite of craving, need, desire, lack or whatever and the more they will be starved.
Cultivating a right mental attitude will overcome your previous failures with resounding success.
At this point I would like to recommend two excellent means to this end.
The first deals with cravings. Those are the little devils of destructive damage that kill the weight regime in any form. Sublimate these and the success rate is hugely increased. Natural herbal adaptogens are the answer here. The great thing is they work for any addiction, because they address the craving part in any of these things. What they actually do is cut the connection on a cellular level. Taking craving out of the picture and allowing natural resistance to build itself into a powerful and determined force.
Another excellent guide here is from someone who has perfected the way to do this and her book and CD will help anyone challenged with getting to grips with the mind.
Patricia Bisch's "Freedom from Food" is a masterclass at developing mind power over bingeing and overweight lifestyles. Her own story is testament to that.
Soon the terrors of dieting, the cold turkey of Thanksgiving and the profits of the diet plan millionaires will all be past history. Yoga classes increasing and meditation a part of daily life will take us one step closer to the Age of Mind and the healing attitude.
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Helping you Change your Mind - The Art of Thinking
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