Living on Cloud 9 - Risky territory
I have seen some folk wait for years to get onto Cloud 9 and then as if by magic three come along at once.
It is comforting to know that using these sort of vehicles may not all they are cracked up to be. Yet folk are keen to move forward...
Solid foundations give much better mileage and end up being far more sustainable.
So what are these solid foundations?
Awareness - Purpose - Goals and Vision
Taking ourselves outside of a mindset that convinces us we are at the mercy of events and circumstances around us is an essential start to it all.
For too long we have bought into other people's dreams, visions ideas and imperatives as to who we are, what we are supposed to do or not and altogether convinced us that we are what they tell us, wish us or perceive us to be.
An awareness of who we are, or at least a willingness to research that topic is a pre-requisite for the journey in earnest.
Thus we must define for ourselves a purpose.
What do I want, where do I wish to go and for what purpose and to what end do I wish to find myself there?
On Cloud 9 it is easy to have vague aspirational notions of all the fluffy things that feel good and sound as if they heal the world. It is a comfort zone par excellence, where others are lured siren-like into our dream state.
No, ideals and aspirations are essential to finding direction BUT they are never goals and ends in themselves. Floating in the misty pastures of their false goal-nature is slow poison to any further action. It is stagnation birthing itself.
Visioning is where all creative endeavors are constructed. The nuts and bolts of visioning and holding a vision is in the implementation of the imagination in creating a future present. A future present is living as if ...
For some this might seem a tad too close to Cloud 9 territory.
Now that is risky territory. Why?
Because this is where the voice of others tell us that we are fantasizing, dreaming and impossibly hoping that something way beyond us will transpire.
From their limited perspective that may be so . From yours it is heresy to your work.
Steer well clear while at the same time creating the appropriate feeling tone of the future present actuality. As you breathe and feel yourself living through your complete being, the feeling around every last bit of your future present, the DNA building blocks turn into the bricks and mortar of your future present.
Your future must by the laws of Natural Being, become your present.
In the focused world of living your future present you automatically set in motion all the attractors that bring it about. Manifesting all that you desire into reality is the actualized state of visioning.
Some might say that this is impossible. From their perspective and experience they have proof positive that is so. When someone has never experienced it, it is hugely challenging to make that leap of faith. When someone has experienced it, albeit put it down to some deus ex machina, magic, miracle or other excuse for creation of a focused thought and desire, then it becomes altogether part of their reality that is proven to them.
The point is to practice and put it to the test. It is challenging, as a life's worth of conditioning against this way of being can bear down as obstacles on the way.
When, however we do it even in the smallest way we have reached a goal.
Remember even a small achievement is a huge step
ping stone on the path to your goal.
Never ever diminish the slightest achievement.
The acorn never let itself believe that its size would negate the impressive fortitude of the mighty oak it became, did it?
Nor will it for you. Grow and rejoice that you have the enterprise to do so.
Taking ourselves outside of a mindset that convinces us we are at the mercy of events and circumstances around us is an essential start to it all.
For too long we have bought into other people's dreams, visions ideas and imperatives as to who we are, what we are supposed to do or not and altogether convinced us that we are what they tell us, wish us or perceive us to be.
An awareness of who we are, or at least a willingness to research that topic is a pre-requisite for the journey in earnest.
Thus we must define for ourselves a purpose.
What do I want, where do I wish to go and for what purpose and to what end do I wish to find myself there?
On Cloud 9 it is easy to have vague aspirational notions of all the fluffy things that feel good and sound as if they heal the world. It is a comfort zone par excellence, where others are lured siren-like into our dream state.
No, ideals and aspirations are essential to finding direction BUT they are never goals and ends in themselves. Floating in the misty pastures of their false goal-nature is slow poison to any further action. It is stagnation birthing itself.
Visioning is where all creative endeavors are constructed. The nuts and bolts of visioning and holding a vision is in the implementation of the imagination in creating a future present. A future present is living as if ...
For some this might seem a tad too close to Cloud 9 territory.
Now that is risky territory. Why?
Because this is where the voice of others tell us that we are fantasizing, dreaming and impossibly hoping that something way beyond us will transpire.
From their limited perspective that may be so . From yours it is heresy to your work.
Steer well clear while at the same time creating the appropriate feeling tone of the future present actuality. As you breathe and feel yourself living through your complete being, the feeling around every last bit of your future present, the DNA building blocks turn into the bricks and mortar of your future present.
Your future must by the laws of Natural Being, become your present.
In the focused world of living your future present you automatically set in motion all the attractors that bring it about. Manifesting all that you desire into reality is the actualized state of visioning.
Some might say that this is impossible. From their perspective and experience they have proof positive that is so. When someone has never experienced it, it is hugely challenging to make that leap of faith. When someone has experienced it, albeit put it down to some deus ex machina, magic, miracle or other excuse for creation of a focused thought and desire, then it becomes altogether part of their reality that is proven to them.
The point is to practice and put it to the test. It is challenging, as a life's worth of conditioning against this way of being can bear down as obstacles on the way.
When, however we do it even in the smallest way we have reached a goal.
Remember even a small achievement is a huge step
Never ever diminish the slightest achievement.
The acorn never let itself believe that its size would negate the impressive fortitude of the mighty oak it became, did it?
Nor will it for you. Grow and rejoice that you have the enterprise to do so.
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