Do we think or do we think we think?
Here is something to think about.
When was the last time you remember thinking a thought?
What you might be tempted to respond is -"Well most all the time, right?"
It may come as a bit of a shock to you and you may want to tell me that I am talking bull, but the truth of the matter is that most of us do not think.
You see the 95% spend most of their time repeating the same old habitual thoughts that they have thought over and over again. They have rarely had a conscious thought of their own that demands to question why the thoughts that they have produce the same old, same old over and over again.
They would, in a word, consciously decide on change. However , like the rabbit stuck in the oncoming headlights they just stare and wonder what has happened.
If they were to think an original thought it would direct their actions and responses in a new direction. If that happens then life is never the same. We move forward and cultivate new pastures.For the 2% that think they think, there may be an awareness that they have thinking capacity and intellectually they know the process involved in the thinking stuff that makes things happen and are competent at telling you how it does and why it does, but actually creating the thinking process into an action for change is ourtside of their comfort zone.
The 3% of those that do think, are fully conscious of the power of thought, they take responsibility for each and every thought and own that which manifests in their life as their own.They know that by conscious positive thought, actions are taken that develop those thoughts into powerful life enhancing experiences. These folk are the motivators for change, they are the change masters of their own destiny and through their change inspire others to take the same steps and do it for them.
You have a choice in your life:
To be or not to be - to change or not to change.
Ask yourself these three questions:
Am I happy with who I am now?
Am I content with my life as it is for me now?Are my results illustrating the vision and goals that I have aspired to and wish to achieve?
If you answer yes to any or all of these then you are one serious player in the Game of Life.If , however, you answer no to any one of these, then you have the opportunity now, today to begin to become a serious player in the Great Game of Life.
What is your decision?
Think about it!
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