At what point do you find yourself saying no...?
There is a lot of buzz in the Personal Development field.
Yoga, T'ai chi, EFT, NLP, The Law of Attraction, Kabala, CBT, Sedona Method etc...etc..
Are we in danger of becoming Development junkies? Have we maybe already got stuck in the mud of mindlessness. Blinded by the bright lights of too many suns. Flying high into the Icarus Complex...?
Do we really know what change is and would we recognise it if it met us on the road?
There's a lot of people out there telling us how they have conquered the emotional Everest of their life and now live a charmed existence. They threaten to let you loose on their formula.
There are those who profess becoming millionaires in 90 days because of this methodology or that, yet plead poverty at the first hurdle.
Can you relate to any of this? Are you bothered? Does this have any meaning to you and your life?
At what point do you say - I have had it with all this and want to go back to what I know? or perhaps rant and rave, or if you are British, just tut tut at the idiocy of it all.
Change does NOT come by way of a prescription from some Guru, doctor, psychiatrist, parent's wish or coach.
You cannot, despite what some people say, buy it in a program on the Net. It does not come in monthly subscriptions.
Change is something that develops out of something that is taking place within.
It is the reward of a process of inner movement that places all the pieces of the inner jigsaw into a certain configuration whereby the view from the inside out becomes different.
Nothing out there changes. Nothing in the world changes. We see what we interpret we see. We adjudge an outcome to what we believe we see. We make a conclusion of what we choose to present to ourselves on the outside and that becomes - what it is for us.
When we really partake in something that appears to be dreadful, we are quick to place the blame, responsibility on some one or some thing outside of us.
Because it assuages our self guilt, our self pity, our refusal to face ourselves. We place ourselves in the oldest place - that of denial.
To embrace change demands an honesty and truth that can raise the Titanic emotions sunk for ages in the profundity of our subconscious. This can be painful, yet behind that pain is the joy of release.
The permanent change comes when we integrate the awareness that comes with owning ourselves and remember that even this will pass.
In this state we are all fallible human beings. Owning this truth helps us stop the beating up.
Recognising it in others and meeting this realisation with tolerance and compassion and practising it here and now brings rewards that no theory could dream of bringing.
These times call for extraordinary courage. Brave and selfless being is the order of the day, not to anyone else. To us.
Develop ourselves and then see how we can help others develop themselves.
The only true coach is the Self Coach. All the rest are just assistant coaches.
Reach deep within, look yourself straight in the inner eye and ask yourself....
Am I being that one who chose to come and be?
Remember one thing - We are all utterly capable of being who we really have always been.
We just need to chose to say YES and live it.....
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