Same Old Same Old - The Treachery of the Powerful
It's well known that as a revolutionary and researcher after truth I have certainly had my run-ins with the authorities, the plutocrats and the power brokers of my day. As a prior innocent who was brought up to believe our rulers are here to look after our best interests and serve us as such, reality was to come as a rude awakening.
Yet in retrospect the severity and rudeness of such an awakening is concomitant to the revelation of truths as they expose themselves and register real intent.
Look, a little about myself. It helps to bring a perspective and hopefully insight into where I come from, what drove me to make decisions I made and why today I stand truly at a point where the only thing relevant is the truth.
Of course I hear some say, truth is relative. Yes it is, yet there are truths defining our very nature and humanity which, when trampled upon, demand righteous anger, indignation and a call to action to question such travesties then break loose all hell in pursuit of righting wrongful treatment of subjects royal (the citizens) bringing to justice, once re-established, the perpetrators of such criminal acts against the people.
When in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was declared and signed by many of the States of the newly founded republic, it caused grievous complaint and the raising of forces against such movement as to stimulate the War of Independence. That things had been brewing and friction engaged is fact. My forebears, a founding family of the Carolinas, were all for the revolutionary acts perpetrated by the revolutionaries. Although British by genealogy, their hearts were all for the birth of a great new idea.
It was when General George Washington and his beleaguered forces got holed up over the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge, my forebear John Moore donated 14,000 pounds in gold towards the survival of a dream. A huge sum then and a fortune now in debt to be repaid at 6% per annum. That is another part of the story - The reality of such generosity is what we are experiencing today - a nation once birthed in good intentions now making its way as the empire of hegemonic psychopathic force intent on bending the world to its whip.
It is of course where this reality once a dream has fallen to. Fallen not only foul of original intention but has birthed and bred a travesty parading itself as "Freedom and Democracy'.
How a republic feels it can strut its right to a democracy is merely
one single point of the lie foisted on a world, still somehow beholden
to this chimera of freedom.
As a journalist, to be precise a war correspondent, I have witnessed my fair share of travesty, terror and outright genocidal slaughter paraded as rightful cause. Yet as my eyes were opened, through diligent research and constant questioning I stand here today and openly admit my shame at being not only British but having been party and witness to unspeakable and unreported crimes committed in the name of freedom and democracy. These crimes having being made not only by Americans but British, Turks, Europeans and others. That I stand now as an independent witness and let's face it, whistle-blower to unspeakable actions on behalf of the rich and powerful is not a position I hold with any sort of pride.
My family on my father's side comes from a long line of diplomats, spies, double dealers and intrepid explorers after hope, evolution and truth. Certainly a mixed bag of credentials for one of theirs to face the true enemy of humanity. Furthermore having been roped in and used by the very forces and powers I now expose and face full on, it begets a mighty task. However out of the womb of unrighteousness can be born the seeds of justice.
To have witnessed personally the activities of those bringing us the Crash of 1929 and subsequent rise of criminal banking cartels alongside nefarious plans for sowing war upon war upon war, it is not a happy lot, yet it is these very acts of witness allowing me to continue this work, enlighten those wishing to be enlightened and to fight against all travesties.
My personal honors and short lived glory are few. Having, in the days when I looked to the British Empire as the great and good it portrayed itself, my youthful exuberance flung me willingly into the ranks of the British Army. It was here I helped create the single biggest battalion ever in the history of that army - The Bicycle Battalions. With my pedigree and useful endeavors a nascent British Intelligence agency separated me out as useful for their purposes. Again in the day it was deemed honorable to be asked and serve one's country in these shadowy ways. It also attracted a lot of well educated chancers who saw the swash and buckle as impressive when dating women. Yes the naivety of those illustrious 'cloak and dagger' agents was the almost immediate undoing of the Service.
Much of the rest of my former life is a parody to failure, except the posthumous success of one of my several books, The Dog which come to think of it did not transpire in my life! - anyways - my life as lived was far more an experiential rocky road than Yellow Brick. Even that took on an edge early when a chance meeting in my teens with Frank Baum of Wiz of Oz fame, in America had him steal my family nickname, Toto, for future literary purposes. But I digress.
It is the uncovering of those vile bankers, the money men and putrid rivers of money followed to their source that has presently landed me as Public Enemy No1, a hunted truth seeker with help from groups of others, let us call them Outsiders, set upon exposing the rotten core of what has become the main cog driving the madness that is our world today.
Be it Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kuhn Loeb, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, The Federal Reserve or Bank of England, Rome Frankfurt, London or New York the control by the few of the many, the enslavement of populations, exploitation and murder of countless millions is a story now so deep, so terrifying that to even question its veracity is to be criminalized, ostracized and called traitor.
So with all the tools I have been gifted by those that have come after me I declare my intention to expose through formidable research and credited abilities these facts. Whilst mortal I merely scratched the surface and began to uncover, however around me I look and see many hundreds if not millions of Outsiders working hard today to disseminate truth and hidden history.
Technology seems to have outridden the newspapers and radio broadcasts of my day. That I worked with and was then royally screwed over by such an esteemed title as The New York Times, looks in retrospect like the burgeoning practice of one organ, among many now utterly sold out and used by the very powers' actions I had started to uncover.
Same old, same old! is it not?
As my life long friend and fellow renegade, Nikola Tesla, told me once, referring to the media:
"They’re all sluts to the whores of banking and wealth... " and further observed about those that rule us:
"What briefly passed as governance has become a tool with which the plutocrats play us all"
Having gone through the mill and now able to operate on the other side I can say with absolute certainty that to right these wrongs, to fight this insidious enemy we need to band together, operate as the many parts of the one and withdraw our cooperation with a system sick to the core. That may feel like exposing us naked and vulnerable, yet armed with truth, integrity and the will to overcome, we ourselves become the true power and dominion in this world.
The question to ask is "Do I have the required courage to stand and declare my truth?"
You will find my story as told in Dreams and Realities a most revealing read and exciting beyond words. Highly recommended reading for any Outsider:
Capt AH Trapman: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man's Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the Global financial crash of 1929.
Yet in retrospect the severity and rudeness of such an awakening is concomitant to the revelation of truths as they expose themselves and register real intent.
Look, a little about myself. It helps to bring a perspective and hopefully insight into where I come from, what drove me to make decisions I made and why today I stand truly at a point where the only thing relevant is the truth.
Of course I hear some say, truth is relative. Yes it is, yet there are truths defining our very nature and humanity which, when trampled upon, demand righteous anger, indignation and a call to action to question such travesties then break loose all hell in pursuit of righting wrongful treatment of subjects royal (the citizens) bringing to justice, once re-established, the perpetrators of such criminal acts against the people.
When in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was declared and signed by many of the States of the newly founded republic, it caused grievous complaint and the raising of forces against such movement as to stimulate the War of Independence. That things had been brewing and friction engaged is fact. My forebears, a founding family of the Carolinas, were all for the revolutionary acts perpetrated by the revolutionaries. Although British by genealogy, their hearts were all for the birth of a great new idea.
It was when General George Washington and his beleaguered forces got holed up over the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge, my forebear John Moore donated 14,000 pounds in gold towards the survival of a dream. A huge sum then and a fortune now in debt to be repaid at 6% per annum. That is another part of the story - The reality of such generosity is what we are experiencing today - a nation once birthed in good intentions now making its way as the empire of hegemonic psychopathic force intent on bending the world to its whip.
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Empire disguised as benign power |
As a journalist, to be precise a war correspondent, I have witnessed my fair share of travesty, terror and outright genocidal slaughter paraded as rightful cause. Yet as my eyes were opened, through diligent research and constant questioning I stand here today and openly admit my shame at being not only British but having been party and witness to unspeakable and unreported crimes committed in the name of freedom and democracy. These crimes having being made not only by Americans but British, Turks, Europeans and others. That I stand now as an independent witness and let's face it, whistle-blower to unspeakable actions on behalf of the rich and powerful is not a position I hold with any sort of pride.
My family on my father's side comes from a long line of diplomats, spies, double dealers and intrepid explorers after hope, evolution and truth. Certainly a mixed bag of credentials for one of theirs to face the true enemy of humanity. Furthermore having been roped in and used by the very forces and powers I now expose and face full on, it begets a mighty task. However out of the womb of unrighteousness can be born the seeds of justice.
To have witnessed personally the activities of those bringing us the Crash of 1929 and subsequent rise of criminal banking cartels alongside nefarious plans for sowing war upon war upon war, it is not a happy lot, yet it is these very acts of witness allowing me to continue this work, enlighten those wishing to be enlightened and to fight against all travesties.
My personal honors and short lived glory are few. Having, in the days when I looked to the British Empire as the great and good it portrayed itself, my youthful exuberance flung me willingly into the ranks of the British Army. It was here I helped create the single biggest battalion ever in the history of that army - The Bicycle Battalions. With my pedigree and useful endeavors a nascent British Intelligence agency separated me out as useful for their purposes. Again in the day it was deemed honorable to be asked and serve one's country in these shadowy ways. It also attracted a lot of well educated chancers who saw the swash and buckle as impressive when dating women. Yes the naivety of those illustrious 'cloak and dagger' agents was the almost immediate undoing of the Service.
Much of the rest of my former life is a parody to failure, except the posthumous success of one of my several books, The Dog which come to think of it did not transpire in my life! - anyways - my life as lived was far more an experiential rocky road than Yellow Brick. Even that took on an edge early when a chance meeting in my teens with Frank Baum of Wiz of Oz fame, in America had him steal my family nickname, Toto, for future literary purposes. But I digress.
It is the uncovering of those vile bankers, the money men and putrid rivers of money followed to their source that has presently landed me as Public Enemy No1, a hunted truth seeker with help from groups of others, let us call them Outsiders, set upon exposing the rotten core of what has become the main cog driving the madness that is our world today.
Be it Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kuhn Loeb, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, The Federal Reserve or Bank of England, Rome Frankfurt, London or New York the control by the few of the many, the enslavement of populations, exploitation and murder of countless millions is a story now so deep, so terrifying that to even question its veracity is to be criminalized, ostracized and called traitor.
So with all the tools I have been gifted by those that have come after me I declare my intention to expose through formidable research and credited abilities these facts. Whilst mortal I merely scratched the surface and began to uncover, however around me I look and see many hundreds if not millions of Outsiders working hard today to disseminate truth and hidden history.
Technology seems to have outridden the newspapers and radio broadcasts of my day. That I worked with and was then royally screwed over by such an esteemed title as The New York Times, looks in retrospect like the burgeoning practice of one organ, among many now utterly sold out and used by the very powers' actions I had started to uncover.
Same old, same old! is it not?
As my life long friend and fellow renegade, Nikola Tesla, told me once, referring to the media:
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Nikola Tesla |
"They’re all sluts to the whores of banking and wealth... " and further observed about those that rule us:
"What briefly passed as governance has become a tool with which the plutocrats play us all"
Having gone through the mill and now able to operate on the other side I can say with absolute certainty that to right these wrongs, to fight this insidious enemy we need to band together, operate as the many parts of the one and withdraw our cooperation with a system sick to the core. That may feel like exposing us naked and vulnerable, yet armed with truth, integrity and the will to overcome, we ourselves become the true power and dominion in this world.
The question to ask is "Do I have the required courage to stand and declare my truth?"
You will find my story as told in Dreams and Realities a most revealing read and exciting beyond words. Highly recommended reading for any Outsider:
Capt AH Trapman: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man's Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the Global financial crash of 1929.
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