How much Do you Practice what you Preach
I will be the first person to put my hand up here and say that I allow myself the comfort to stay in the no change zone from time to time.
You see it is such an ingrained habit to be comfortable. To do the things we have always done in the same old way, just hoping, yet hoping that it will turn out different this time.
Of course this is the path of insanity - expecting the same old same, old to become different. Well, I do remember being an alchemist in a past life but heck, this is no alchemy - it is surely fool's gold.
Apart from citing my own struggles with change, it is a well observed fact that most of us would rather die than change. In fact we all die and those that do not change tend to die quicker.
So I come to the point of asking how many of us practice what we preach. For surely there are those in the change movement who it has been observed, say one thing and do another.
At this point I would like to refer you to a wonderful Canadian 12 year old who took the Climate Change conference in Rio some years ago to task. I mention her as she pointedly tells the world leaders present that they for the most part have told the children and the population what to do and what not to do, yet flaunt their own doctrine day in day out.
How familiar is that?
You see it is great telling others to take the medicine, yet unless we are able to take it too, having the same illness, we become quacks.
Who can people believe. Where are the shining examples of propriety, truth and sincerity?
We are so cavalier in our 'good intentions' that we forget to act on them ourselves.
People wonder why the world is in such a state. It is so blindingly obvious that we have individually and collectively created it so. It ain't rocket science to know we need to change. Then what is stopping us?
Our comfort zones, of course. Breaking old habits, moving into unchartered territory and daring to be different is for many a journey too far, a land best left unexplored.
If we could only get our minds round the fact that whatever happens when we make this step into the void, we are ultimately going to be far better off. It is this insight, the illumination and the shattering of ignorance that makes us evolve, that brings us closer to our true being
Do it now - stop talking about it - stop telling yourself that a year with four figures - 2012 - will do it for us enlightened ones and decimate they that do not walk the golden path.
This is rubbish, it is precisely such archaic thinking that will land anyone in the mud. Stop procrastination, just burst on through and live it.
"On the plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who when on the dawn of victory, paused to rest and there resting, died." - John Dretschmer
Live it out Loud.
Love life and become the shining example of being we are all meant to polish up to become.

You see it is such an ingrained habit to be comfortable. To do the things we have always done in the same old way, just hoping, yet hoping that it will turn out different this time.
Of course this is the path of insanity - expecting the same old same, old to become different. Well, I do remember being an alchemist in a past life but heck, this is no alchemy - it is surely fool's gold.
Apart from citing my own struggles with change, it is a well observed fact that most of us would rather die than change. In fact we all die and those that do not change tend to die quicker.
So I come to the point of asking how many of us practice what we preach. For surely there are those in the change movement who it has been observed, say one thing and do another.
At this point I would like to refer you to a wonderful Canadian 12 year old who took the Climate Change conference in Rio some years ago to task. I mention her as she pointedly tells the world leaders present that they for the most part have told the children and the population what to do and what not to do, yet flaunt their own doctrine day in day out.
How familiar is that?
You see it is great telling others to take the medicine, yet unless we are able to take it too, having the same illness, we become quacks.
Who can people believe. Where are the shining examples of propriety, truth and sincerity?
We are so cavalier in our 'good intentions' that we forget to act on them ourselves.
People wonder why the world is in such a state. It is so blindingly obvious that we have individually and collectively created it so. It ain't rocket science to know we need to change. Then what is stopping us?
Our comfort zones, of course. Breaking old habits, moving into unchartered territory and daring to be different is for many a journey too far, a land best left unexplored.
If we could only get our minds round the fact that whatever happens when we make this step into the void, we are ultimately going to be far better off. It is this insight, the illumination and the shattering of ignorance that makes us evolve, that brings us closer to our true being
Do it now - stop talking about it - stop telling yourself that a year with four figures - 2012 - will do it for us enlightened ones and decimate they that do not walk the golden path.
This is rubbish, it is precisely such archaic thinking that will land anyone in the mud. Stop procrastination, just burst on through and live it.
"On the plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who when on the dawn of victory, paused to rest and there resting, died." - John Dretschmer
Love life and become the shining example of being we are all meant to polish up to become.
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